EIDB close up lab shot

HIV Research

NIMR Lab Mbeya Tanzania


MHRP, through an international collaboration, just launched a new study (RV584) in Tanzania to test novel long-acting bispecific antibody alone and in combination with another potent monoclonal antibody (mAb) to determine and compare safety and antiviral effects, or how effective these drugs are at reducing the amount of HIV in people living with HIV, both alone and in combination.

  • Monoclonal Antibodies

    Identification and development of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is an exciting avenue to explore as a tool to both prevent HIV infection and as a therapy in HIV cure strategies. This could be of particular importance to the U.S. military to improve the safety of the emergency blood supply.

  • Doctor consults with volunteer

    MHRP's acute HIV infection (AHI) cohorts provide insight into critical early days after infection. These MHRP-led studies continue to expand the field’s knowledge of immune responses in acute infection, expose mechanisms for treatment and cure, and inform rational design of vaccines and other interventions.

  • Backlit kneeling soldier

    MHRP's Department of Epidemiology and Threat Assessment conducts research on the epidemiology of HIV and other infectious diseases that threaten the readiness of U.S. and allied military forces. This research informs countermeasure development, and policy development and public health practices to decrease the rates of HIV and other STIs in the military.