In 2003, MHRP Kenya began providing some of the first-ever PEPFAR-supported HIV services in Kericho. These services have now expanded throughout the South Rift Valley (SRV) region, into Kisumu West and now encompass a military-to-military collaboration with the Kenya Defence Forces. The HIV research, prevention and treatment programs are mutually synergistic with long-term capacity building and sustainability goals.
The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) initiative, which is a military-to-military HIV prevention, care and treatment program based out of Nairobi, strengthens HIV-service provision for military personnel and their families.
The second program, Kisumu West (KW), is a civilian HIV prevention, care and treatment initiative operating through 33 facilities and associated community sites in select Kisumu and Seme sub-counties. Located near Kenya’s third-largest city and Lake Victoria, these counties and their immediate neighbors demonstrate the largest burden of HIV-disease in Kenya.
The third program is South Rift Valley (SRV), a comprehensive civilian HIV prevention, care and treatment initiative that provides services in 412 facilities to four sub-counties in southeast Kenya, including Bomet, Kericho, Narok and Nandi counties. MHRP is also supporting these sub-counties in their transition to local health governance and ownership to enhance future sustainability of HIV programming.
Program Highlights
HIV Self-testing
The KDF program rolled out a new self-testing approach so that military personnel of all ranks have discrete access to self-testing kits. This program helps eliminates stigma associated with HIV testing and encourages more wide-spread testing among high-risk groups.
Adolescent and Pediatric Treatment
Kisumu West initiated Operation Triple Zero, which focuses on engaging adolescents and young people to take charge of their health by ensuring “zero missed appointments, zero missed medication(s) and zero viral load.” This successful program tracks viral load and provides special peer support and counseling coupled with weekend clinic hours for adolescents, and has significantly increased adherence to treatment.