Beyond the staggering health and economic impacts, HIV/AIDS is a pernicious infectious disease that decreases quality of life, destabilizes communities and disrupts health systems. Addressing the threat of HIV to military and global populations is of critical concern to health diplomacy and international security, and a challenge that requires sustained commitment to research and developing effective scientific, clinical, political and social solutions.
MHRP — a leader in the fight against HIV since 1986
MHRP has been recognized as a leader in HIV diagnostics, epidemiology and vaccine research for over three decades and, more recently, has built an international reputation for pioneering discoveries in HIV cure research. Leveraging WRAIR's product development focus and capabilities, MHRP plays a critical role in developing and testing HIV vaccine candidates and discovering novel monoclonal antibodies.
Enabled by an experienced team with expertise across the research continuum, high-quality international clinical sites and the capacity to collaborate effectively with hundreds of US-based partners, MHRP’s achievements continue to uphold an enduring commitment to tackling the threat that HIV poses to Service Members, national security and global health.
Protecting Force Health and Readiness
In addition to its vaccine development efforts, MHRP helps develop, implement and monitor initiatives to reduce the threat of HIV and HIV-related sexually transmitted and blood-borne pathogens to force health and the blood supply. Our team generate knowledge products to inform the development, delivery and assessment of evidence-based HIV preventive interventions.
For example, our team is conducting a study to test a novel long-acting bi-specific antibody alone and in combination with another potent monoclonal antibody (mAb). This study will inform countermeasures that can potentially be used to mitigate HIV risk to the battlefield blood supply in pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis settings
MHRP is committed to developing and advancing effective solutions—such as vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, therapeutics and diagnostics—to counter HIV and other related infections. Ultimately, our focus is on the development of products to improve the performance and readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces.